Crenshaw Athletic Club
Crenshaws prides itself on having one the finest training facilities in the United States. The 12,000 square foot gym which was built in 1984. With safety a key concerns, Crenshaws has six in-ground trampolines where students can build on air awareness which is basic to all skills in gymnastics. Equipment also includes pommel horses, rings and vaults, parallel bars and high bar, a floor exercise mat, tumbling strip into the pit and a tumbling track. Equipment also includes uneven bars, bars over the pit, high beams and a multitude of low beams, a floor exercise mat, tumbling strip into the pit and a tumbling track.
Over the years, Crenshaws has sent more boys and girls to J.O. Nationals than almost any club in the United States. The pride of being successful extends past just winning. Our boys and girls learn life long skills. Goal setting, time management, team unity and fear conquering are just a few of those skills. Crenshaw's goals for our Spinner Team Program are to teach good competitive basics and to prepare kids for the possibility of college scholarships. Many other benefits may be found as in any high level competitive atmosphere. Our program is backed by years of State, Regional and National Champions.